
Extension: BlueSpiceBookshelf

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Umożliwia BlueSpice zarządzanie zhierarchizowanymi zbiorami stron.

State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: GPL-3.0-only
Type: BlueSpice Category: Book
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud Version: 4.1+


Bookshelf combines wiki pages to create books and also to export those pages as a PDF document.

  • Sets of different pages (chapters) can be put together individually to a book.
  • The table of contents of the book is displayed in the left navigation bar.
  • The chapters are displayed in a collapsible tree structure.
  • The book or parts of the book can be exported to PDF.

Configuration manager

Some aspects of this extension can be configured on Special:BlueSpiceConfigManager. Here, wiki administrators can:

  • prepend the article table of contents and headlines of a page with book numeration.
  • supress the namespace prefix of book articles in the PDF output.
  • apply the display title from the book source to a wiki page.

Technical Information

This information applies to BlueSpice 4. Technical details for BlueSpice Cloud can differ in some cases.


  • MediaWiki: 1.38.0
  • BlueSpiceFoundation: 4.1

Integrates into

  • BlueSpiceBookshelf
  • BlueSpiceVisualEditorConnector
  • ContentDroplets
  • MWStakeContentProvisioner

Special pages

  • Bookshelf
  • BookshelfBookEditor
  • BookshelfBookManager


Name Description Role
bookshelf-viewspecialpage Access the special page Special:Bookshelf reader
bookshelfbookmanager-viewspecialpage Dostęp do strony specjalnej Special:BookshelfBookManager reader


Name Value
BookShelfDefaultCoverImage 'resources/images/assets/coverimage/dummy.png'
BookShelfShowChapterNavigationPagerAfterContent false
BookShelfShowChapterNavigationPagerBeforeContent false
BookshelfMainLinksBookshelf true
BookshelfPrependPageTOCNumbers true
BookshelfSupressBookNS true
BookshelfTitleDisplayText true

User options

Name Value
bs-bookshelf-defaultview 'gridviewpanel'

API Modules

  • bs-book-chapters-store
  • bs-bookshelf-bookstore
  • bs-bookshelf-manage
  • bs-bookshelf-mass-add-page-store
  • bs-bookshelf-page-collection-store
  • bs-bookshelf-store
