Szablon:PT Status report: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

m (1 wersja)
(Nie pokazano 1 wersji utworzonej przez jednego użytkownika)
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Aktualna wersja na dzień 11:12, 2 lut 2024

Author: responsible for report content
Reports to: recipient of the report
Report date: mm/dd/yyyy
Team / Department / Project: scope of the report
Reporting period / milestone: what time period/project milestone is covered?
Report status: draft / finished

Executive summary

Give a brief executive summary about takeaways from this report.


List major tasks that have been completed and evaluate their outcomes.

Business area Topic Highlights Major obstacles

unexpected (project) risks

Lessons learned
Marketing All
  • Leads
  • Campaigns Q1
  • Unexpected cost
  • New competitor
  • review of cost estimation plan is necessary

Business review

Evaluate the impact of key results for the reporting period.

Metric Target Previous
Change New target
Number of customers 700 631 +24 680
Billable time (hrs) 650 620 -70


Based on the performance of the reporting period, the following measures for the above metrics will be implemented.

Metric 1

Responsibe Measures
Who will make sure this gets done in a timely manner? To improve this metric, it is necessary to complete the following tasks:
  1. First measure
  2. Second measure

Metric 2

Responsibe Measures
Who will make sure this gets done in a timely manner? To improve this metric, it is necessary to complete the following tasks:
  1. First measure
  2. Second measure

Supporting documents

Link to any documents related to this report:

  • Document 1
  • Document 2