Reference:BlueSpiceExtendedFilelist: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Extension: BlueSpiceExtendedFilelist

all extensions


Provides a special page to interact with the wiki file repo

State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: GPL-3.0-only
Type: BlueSpice Category: Document Management
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud Version: 4.1+


The extension BlueSpiceExtendedFilelist provides a special page to interact with the wiki file repo. It features a friendly user interface that allows sorting and filtering by a variety of fields.

  • ExtendedFileList contains a list with files.
  • While typing a search string in the search filter, the number of listed files is reduced.
  • If there are many results, these are shown on several pages. The maximum number of results per page can be set.
  • Columns with different information can be toggled on and off. The columns can be (ascending/descending).
  • Columns can be filtered.
  • An upload button allows uploading files.

Technical Information

This information applies to BlueSpice 4. Technical details for BlueSpice Cloud can differ in some cases.


  • MediaWiki: 1.36.0
  • BlueSpiceFoundation: 4.1

Integrates into

Special pages

  • BlueSpiceExtendedFilelist


Name Value
EFLOverrideStandardFilelist false
EFLPluginModules array ( )
