Reference:BlueSpiceSocialProfile: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Extension: BlueSpiceSocialProfile

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Profile entity for BlueSpiceSocial

State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: GPL-3.0-only
Type: BlueSpice Category: Communication
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud Version: 4.1+


BlueSpiceSocialProfile provides the SocialEntity of type profile. Furthermore, the user page is converted into a complete user profile.

Warning!Pages in the namespaces SocialEntity and User are indexed by search engines by default until prior to version 3.1.13. If you run a public wiki with an earlier version, you should exclude these namespaces from being searchable unless you want these pages to be indexed by public search engines.
  • the user page is converted into a complete user profile
  • the content of the original user page is also shown as a description field below the profile section
  • provides the page Special:SocialProfiles
  • a user profile can be included in a page with the tag <bs:socialentityprofile username="Testuser" rendertype="Short" />
  • users can update their profile information and upload a profile picture

Technical Information

This information applies to BlueSpice 4. Technical details for BlueSpice Cloud can differ in some cases.


  • MediaWiki: 1.37.0
  • BlueSpiceAvatars: 4.1

BlueSpiceFoundation: 4.1 BlueSpiceSocial: 4.1

Integrates into

  • BlueSpicePrivacy
  • BlueSpiceSMWConnector
  • BlueSpiceSocialProfile
  • BlueSpiceVisualEditorConnector
  • ContentDroplets

Special pages

  • SocialProfiles


Name Description Role
social-editothersprofile Edycja profili innych użytkowników admin, maintenanceadmin
socialprofile-viewspecialpage Podgląd strony „Profile” accountmanager, admin, author, bot, commenter, editor, maintenanceadmin, reader, reviewer, structuremanager


Name Value
BSSocialProfileCustomFields array ( 'social-profile-department' => array ( 'i18n' => 'bs-social-profile-field-department', 'type' => 'string', ), 'social-profile-function' => array ( 'i18n' => 'bs-social-profile-field-function', 'type' => 'string', ), 'social-profile-location' => array ( 'i18n' => 'bs-social-profile-field-location', 'type' => 'string', ), 'social-profile-phone' => array ( 'i18n' => 'bs-social-profile-field-phone', 'type' => 'string', ), )
BSSocialProfileFields array ( 'social-profile-title' => array ( 'i18n' => 'bs-social-profile-field-title', 'callback' => '\\BlueSpice\\Social\\Profile\\Field\\Title::getInstance', ), 'social-profile-name' => array ( 'i18n' => 'bs-social-profile-field-name', 'callback' => '\\BlueSpice\\Social\\Profile\\Field\\Name::getInstance', ), 'social-profile-email' => array ( 'i18n' => 'bs-social-profile-field-email', 'callback' => '\\BlueSpice\\Social\\Profile\\Field\\Email::getInstance', ), )

User options

Name Value
bs-social-profile-infoshowemail false



Name Description Type Default Scope
bsgBSSocialProfileFields system-defined profile fields array "social-profile-title" => [

"i18n" => "bs-social-profile-field-title",

"callback" => "\\BlueSpice\\Social\\Profile\\Field\\Title::getInstance"


"social-profile-name" => [

"i18n" => "bs-social-profile-field-name",

"callback" => "\\BlueSpice\\Social\\Profile\\Field\\Name::getInstance"


"social-profile-email" => [

"i18n" => "bs-social-profile-field-email",

"callback" => "\\BlueSpice\\Social\\Profile\\Field\\Email::getInstance"


LocalSettings.php / Customizing
bsgBSSocialProfileCustomFields user-defined profile fields array "social-profile-department" => [

"i18n" => "bs-social-profile-field-department",

"type" => "string"


"social-profile-function" => [

"i18n" => "bs-social-profile-field-function",

"type" => "string"


"social-profile-location" => [

"i18n" => "bs-social-profile-field-location",

"type" => "string"


"social-profile-phone" => [

"i18n" => "bs-social-profile-field-phone",

"type" => "string"


bs-social-profile-infoshowemail is the email address shown in the profile bool false useroption