Szablon:PT Request for Comments: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

m (1 wersja)
(Brak różnic)

Aktualna wersja na dzień 11:12, 2 lut 2024

Component: name of the affected component or structure
Stakeholders: who is affected by or influences the idea or its results?
Created: mm/dd/yyyy
Initiator / requester: username
Status: in draft / in discussion / accepted / declined
End date: mm/dd/yyyy


A Request for Comment (RfC) is a tool for assessing and evaluating internal projects or ideas for change. A maximum of two weeks should elapse before a decision is made. If the RfC is approved, the corresponding tickets for implementation will be created after completion.

Give a brief executive summery of the topic here.


How to proceed:

Step Description
What needs to happen Details about this step

Advantages / chances

Why we should do this?

Disadvantages / risks

What issues do we expect?

Affected areas / effects

Which areas are affected and how?

Time estimate

How long will it take?

Comments and evaluation

What does everyone think about the idea?

  • comment, name / sign
  • comment, name / sign