
This is a property of type Text.

Wyświetlanie 20 stron przy użyciu tej właściwości.
Provides hover-over tool tips on pages from words defined on the Glossar page  +
Allows to update the localizations for MediaWiki messages at any time, without needing to upgrade the MediaWiki software.  +
Notifies users about unusual login events.  +
Provides parser functions for performing loops.  +
allows users to display maps and coordinate data using multiple mapping services.  +
Renders mathematical formulas between math tags  +
Graphical editor for menu pages  +
Umożliwia porównywanie oraz scalanie artykułów  +
Provides a better experience to users when they click on thumbnails  +
Dostarcza mechanizmu opartego na przestrzeniach nazw służącego do przesyłania plików  +
Extension for administrators to delete more than one page at once.  +
Provides authentication support using HMAC-based one-time passwords  +
Provides Widgets and utility functions for OOJS  +
Extends the PluggableAuth extension to provide authentication using OpenID Connect.  +
basic library for the grafical representation/chart of semantic data.  +
Media handler extension for PDF files.  +
Forms for creating and editing wiki pages  +
Allows exclusive rights on a page for a user.  +
Provides an additional user interface before the page content.  +
Collects information about images used on page  +