
This is a property of type Text.

Wyświetlanie 20 stron przy użyciu tej właściwości.
Wprowadza grupowe przesyłanie plików  +
Integrates NSFileRepo in a range of BlueSpice Extenions (Requires NSFileRepo)  +
Interfejs administracyjny do dodawania, edytowania i usuwania przestrzeni nazw  +
Controls access on page level  +
Enables you to assign users or groups to a page  +
Integrates PageForms extension into BlueSpice  +
Displays a list of templates marked as page templates  +
Provides a personalized list of the last visited pages  +
Interfejs administracyjny do edycji uprawnień użytkowników  +
Embed a media player on a page.  +
Management page for user privacy settings  +
General interface between MediaWiki extensions and BlueSpice pro.  +
Displays a QR code with a link to the current page in the toolbar.  +
An extension to output valid RSS for every extension, which has a buildRss-function  +
Provides a rating system  +
Extension to collect read confirmations for a page  +
Creates a list of the people who read a page  +
Gives the user the opportunity to create reminders.  +
Integrates SemanticMediaWiki into BlueSpice  +
Provides warnings if other users are editing the page  +